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Orders Ship March-April

The Lord said to us, “Whoever desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me.” Moreover, the apostle Paul made some equally radical exhortations: “For I determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified.” And another: “I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.”

How are we to embrace these radical statements in our daily lives? Saint Paul of the Cross (1694-1775) gives us an example and provides tools to live this life- a life of prayer. He wrote approximately 20,000 letters, and over 2,000 of them have been preserved. His letters are filled with spiritual direction specifically embracing the life of the Cross. The Lord says in His Word that those who lose their lives for His sake will find life eternal. It is in living the crucified life that we thrive in the power of the resurrected life.

Reading the Letters of St. Paul of the Cross has been a key component in learning to thrive in the Spirit-filled life of Christ. This book has arisen from a place of daily reading and meditating on the letters of St. Paul of the Cross for many years. My prayer is that from this book, you will receive a new lens by which to view all of life. Every trial and every bit of suffering in this life can be turned into deep union and intimacy with Christ. Truly, His Word is true when it says that everything works together for our good! How do we access this truth? We must embrace our suffering with a daily habit of meditation on the Passion of Christ. This practice is life-transforming and completely necessary.

Features of the book include:
  • Foreword by Dr. Anthony Lilles, professor at St. Patrick’s Seminary
  • Brief Bio of Saint Paul of the Cross
  • Fifty Devotions based on quotes by Saint Paul of the Cross—perfect for a Lenten daily retreat—as they are based upon the Cross of Christ
These daily meditations, using quotes from a master of the spiritual life, will equip you in embracing the Cross in your own life and thus finding Life in Jesus in a way you never dreamed was possible.


“How is it that St. Paul of the Cross has remained relatively unknown? His wisdom is timeless, his writing is rich, his spiritual direction is supreme. I’m eternally grateful to Amy Knight for bringing him to my attention and to unpacking his letters—the Church has never needed this book more.”

-Claire Dwyer, Editor of

"To make known a hidden gem, it often requires another hidden gem! The sparkling treasure that is Saint Paul of the Cross often goes unnoticed in Catholic circles but here Amy Knight has opened him up for us. And she has done so largely hidden away in her prayer shed hermitage amidst silent prayer."

-Fr. Ignatius John Schweitzer, OP, STL, Founder of Dominican House of Prayer

“In these pages Amy Knight reflects on wisdom from the Saint's letters in light of passages from Scripture and her own insights and experiences. Her prayers and prompts for personal meditation serve as a compelling invitation to personal transformation through prayerful study of Saint Paul of the Cross and loving worship of Christ Crucified, as an invitation to share in the ‘crucified life.’” 

-Julie Enzler, STL

“We live in a moment of revival that calls Christians to deeper prayer and devotion.  In these beautiful reflections, Amy leads our hearts to the mystery of the Cross as she draws from the wisdom of the saints."

-Dr. Anthony Lilles, STD, Professor at St Patrick’s Seminary 

“My friend, Amy Knight has been apprehended by the truth that each of us can have deep union and friendship with God, regardless of our calling in life.  Each chapter of this book, based on the writings of St Paul of the Cross will help you on your journey to know that union with God is real and worth pursuing all the days of your life.”

-Jim Stilwell, Director, House of Prayer Sacramento  

Meditations on the Letters of Saint Paul of the Cross (Pre-Order)


Amy Knight

Regular price $20.00

Orders Ship March-April

The Lord said to us, “Whoever desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me.” Moreover, the apostle Paul made some equally radical exhortations: “For I determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified.” And another: “I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.”

How are we to embrace these radical statements in our daily lives? Saint Paul of the Cross (1694-1775) gives us an example and provides tools to live this life- a life of prayer. He wrote approximately 20,000 letters, and over 2,000 of them have been preserved. His letters are filled with spiritual direction specifically embracing the life of the Cross. The Lord says in His Word that those who lose their lives for His sake will find life eternal. It is in living the crucified life that we thrive in the power of the resurrected life.

Reading the Letters of St. Paul of the Cross has been a key component in learning to thrive in the Spirit-filled life of Christ. This book has arisen from a place of daily reading and meditating on the letters of St. Paul of the Cross for many years. My prayer is that from this book, you will receive a new lens by which to view all of life. Every trial and every bit of suffering in this life can be turned into deep union and intimacy with Christ. Truly, His Word is true when it says that everything works together for our good! How do we access this truth? We must embrace our suffering with a daily habit of meditation on the Passion of Christ. This practice is life-transforming and completely necessary.

Features of the book include:
  • Foreword by Dr. Anthony Lilles, professor at St. Patrick’s Seminary
  • Brief Bio of Saint Paul of the Cross
  • Fifty Devotions based on quotes by Saint Paul of the Cross—perfect for a Lenten daily retreat—as they are based upon the Cross of Christ
These daily meditations, using quotes from a master of the spiritual life, will equip you in embracing the Cross in your own life and thus finding Life in Jesus in a way you never dreamed was possible.


“How is it that St. Paul of the Cross has remained relatively unknown? His wisdom is timeless, his writing is rich, his spiritual direction is supreme. I’m eternally grateful to Amy Knight for bringing him to my attention and to unpacking his letters—the Church has never needed this book more.”

-Claire Dwyer, Editor of

"To make known a hidden gem, it often requires another hidden gem! The sparkling treasure that is Saint Paul of the Cross often goes unnoticed in Catholic circles but here Amy Knight has opened him up for us. And she has done so largely hidden away in her prayer shed hermitage amidst silent prayer."

-Fr. Ignatius John Schweitzer, OP, STL, Founder of Dominican House of Prayer

“In these pages Amy Knight reflects on wisdom from the Saint's letters in light of passages from Scripture and her own insights and experiences. Her prayers and prompts for personal meditation serve as a compelling invitation to personal transformation through prayerful study of Saint Paul of the Cross and loving worship of Christ Crucified, as an invitation to share in the ‘crucified life.’” 

-Julie Enzler, STL

“We live in a moment of revival that calls Christians to deeper prayer and devotion.  In these beautiful reflections, Amy leads our hearts to the mystery of the Cross as she draws from the wisdom of the saints."

-Dr. Anthony Lilles, STD, Professor at St Patrick’s Seminary 

“My friend, Amy Knight has been apprehended by the truth that each of us can have deep union and friendship with God, regardless of our calling in life.  Each chapter of this book, based on the writings of St Paul of the Cross will help you on your journey to know that union with God is real and worth pursuing all the days of your life.”

-Jim Stilwell, Director, House of Prayer Sacramento  

Meditations on the Letters of Saint Paul of the Cross (Pre-Order)

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